If you are using any of these services you will need to update your MX records to point to the inbound mail servers:
After creating any of these services, you will be able to view your custom MX record in the DuoCircle control panel. After sign-in, click on the "My Services" link then click the table row for the relevant service, in your enterprise email servers plan. On that page look for "Your Custom MX" under the Service Settings heading and use the value provided to its right. This custom MX record will be of the format a######.mx.mailhop.org or the record specified in your account.
This must be set accordingly with your domain registrar or DNS provider for the service to work correctly.
This can be done by logging into your domain registrar or DNS provider's control panel and locating your current MX records for the relevant domain.
Please take a look here at how to update your MX records for the most common providers here https://support.google.com/a/topic/1611273
When updating your MX records, please follow the appropriate instruction for your service type:
- Email Gateway & Email Forwarding
MX 10 Your custom MX Record (from customer portal) or mx1.mailhop.org MX 20 mx1.mailhop.us MX 30 mx1.mailhop.co MX 40 mx1.mailhop.co.uk
- Email Backup MX
MX 10 mx1.yourdomain.com. MX 20 Your custom MX Record (from customer portal) or mx2.mailhop.org MX 30 mx2.mailhop.us MX 40 mx2.mailhop.co MX 50 mx2.mailhop.co.uk
Please refer to the article MX Records with Redundant DNS Providers for a detailed explanation.
IMPORTANT: If we are relaying mail for your Email Gateway or Backup MX to Google G-Suite there are additional steps required to ensure Google will properly accept mail from us on your behalf. Please refer to this KB for more information: https://support.duocircle.com/solution/articles/5000780714-setting-up-inbound-mail-gateway-with-google-apps