Factors Impacting Email Inbox Placement

As an SMTP provider, our primary responsibility is to ensure that your emails are delivered reliably to your recipients. However, several factors influence whether an email lands in the inbox or the spam folder. While we can control some of these factors, others are beyond our reach.

This article outlines the key elements that impact email inbox placement and clarifies the areas where we can and cannot intervene.

1. Message Content

The content of your email plays a crucial role in determining whether it will be flagged as spam. Factors such as spammy words, excessive use of capital letters, improper HTML formatting, and the inclusion of suspicious links can all contribute to poor inbox placement.

  • What We Can Do: Provide best practices and guidelines for creating email content that is less likely to be flagged as spam.
  • What We Cannot Do: Alter the content of your emails to make them more compliant with spam filters. Influence how your content is perceived by various email providers.

2. Sender Domain Reputation

Your domain’s reputation is built over time based on the quality of the emails you send. If your domain is associated with high bounce rates, spam complaints, or sending to spam traps, it could negatively impact your reputation and, consequently, your inbox placement.

  • What We Can Do: Offer insights and monitoring tools to track your domain reputation. Provide suggestions to improve your domain reputation over time.
  • What We Cannot Do: Directly improve or repair a damaged domain reputation. Guarantee inbox placement solely based on domain reputation.

3. End-User Filters

End users have the ability to set filters within their email clients to automatically categorize incoming emails. These filters could be based on specific keywords, sender addresses, or even the time of delivery, and they vary significantly from one user to another.

  • What We Can Do: Recommend email structuring techniques to minimize the chances of triggering end-user filters.
  • What We Cannot Do: Control or modify individual user filters in their personal email clients.

4. IP Reputation

The reputation of the IP address from which your emails are sent is a significant factor in inbox placement. As your SMTP provider, we maintain the health and reputation of our IP addresses to ensure high deliverability rates.

  • What We Can Do: Monitor and manage IP reputation to avoid blacklisting and maintain high deliverability. Rotate IP addresses if necessary to protect sender reputation.
  • What We Cannot Do: Prevent every instance of IP reputation-related issues, especially if the emails being sent are consistently flagged as spam. Guarantee inbox placement solely based on IP reputation.

5. Authentication Protocols

Authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are essential for verifying the authenticity of your emails. Without proper authentication, emails are more likely to be marked as spam.

  • What We Can Do: Assist in setting up and configuring SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. Provide guidance on maintaining proper authentication protocols.
  • What We Cannot Do: Ensure inbox placement if your domain lacks proper authentication or if the records are incorrectly configured.

6. Recipient Engagement

Email providers monitor recipient engagement metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and reply rates. Low engagement can signal that your emails are unwanted, leading to a higher likelihood of landing in spam folders.

  • What We Can Do: Offer tips and strategies to increase recipient engagement. Provide analytics to help you monitor engagement rates.
  • What We Cannot Do: Directly influence or control recipient engagement. Guarantee high engagement rates across your email campaigns.


While we strive to provide the best possible service to ensure your emails are delivered successfully, it's important to understand the factors that impact inbox placement. Our role is to maintain the technical infrastructure, such as IP reputation and authentication protocols, while you focus on maintaining the quality of your content and domain reputation. By working together, we can maximize the chances of your emails reaching the inbox.

For more detailed guidance and best practices, feel free to reach out to our support team.