If you are an Enterprise user or a Mail Service Provider (MPS) who built Teams and added Team Members to your AutoSPF account, then you'll more likely get to worry about who did what in your Domain records. You can now check your user's activity log which provides you with the history you need and it is called the Audit Log feature.

Who can see the Audit Logs? 

It's only the AutoSPF admin who has access to the Audit Log. Added Team Members won't be able to access this feature on their accounts. Below is a screenshot of what your Team Members have access to on their Settings page.

What records can the Audit Log provides?

  1. The Time and Date that the action took place
  2. The Action taken
  3. The user who did the change or update
  4. The Category 
  5. The IP address of the updater
  6. And the Detailed Activities made

Steps to access the Audit Log:

  1. On your left Nav bar, go to "Your Settings"

  2. Next, select the Audit Log menu

  3. Finally, click on the "Action" icon to reveal the complete history log of the changes or updates that has been performed.

Sample Audit logs: 

Quick Video Guide:

Please note that we may change the user interface in the future, however, you may always check on AutoSPF Settings for the Audit Log or Log History and trace back in time the activity that was made on your account. You can backtrack up to 30 days on your Audit Log.