Great question, a number of users have asked us why their previous invoice with Dyn was at one price and now we are charging another? The short answer is we are not increased our prices at all, we are honoring the price that your service would have renewed at with Dyn. Mid 2014 Dyn changed the pricing on their services and had you stayed with them you would have been billed at this "new rate."
We did not change prices or plans we are simply billing renewals at the published price that Dyn was offering on their site as of December 2014.
Here are some screenshots taken April 2015 of their pricing pages which reflected the Current Dyn Prices for these services.
Gateway Services - DuoCircle Price $59.95 per year
BackupMX Services - DuoCircle Price $49.95 per year
Email Forwarding Services - DuoCircle Price $59.95 per year
The only service that has a price increase is outbound SMTP and this is for new subscribers only.